Today: 9:00AM - 8:00PM
Feb 10, 2023
Car Stuck in Snow!

Getting stuck in the snow is never fun, so feeling prepared can go a long way toward getting you out of a jam. Of course, after getting your vehicle out of a snow-jammed situation, it’s always best to schedule a maintenance check-up. Our Kia service center will make sure everything is working as intended. Follow these steps to get your car out of the snow.

1. Clear Some Space

The first physical action you can take towards freeing your car is to clear the snow around your tires. Dig a few feet in the front and back of your tires so you have some space to work with.

2. The Rocking Method

Methodically switching between drive and reverse and pumping a little bit of gas will achieve a rocking motion. This consistent movement will slowly dislodge the snow around your tires.

It’s important not to pump the gas aggressively in an attempt to blow through the snow. All this will do is reduce the friction needed to escape in the first place.

3. Get Some Traction

Snow alone provides very little traction for your tires to work with and is prone to causing a spin-out. Adding forms of traction such as sand, salt, or dirt can add some needed friction between your tires to get some momentum.

4. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask For Help

Sometimes the best thing you can do is to ask any helpful passersby for assistance in pushing your car. Getting that extra bit of force can work well as you gently push the gas, and this may be enough to get out of the snow.

Schedule a Service Appointment at Sansone Kia

It’s always a good idea to schedule a maintenance check-up after getting stuck in the snow. Visit our service center at Sansone Kia to get help from our excellent technicians.